Arlington Product Liability Lawyers

Jim Ross Law Group is home to Arlington product liability lawyers that will take on your case in the event you are injured because of a defective product. Too often, dangerous or defective products are put in the hands of the general public, and disaster can ensue.

Whether you have been injured by large industrial equipment or your child was put in harm’s way by a defective toy, we’re here to help you hold the negligent parties accountable while recovering financial compensation that you are owed. We have product liability lawyers in Arlington TX that are standing by to hear from you.

Injured by a defective or dangerous product? Let us know

Even though our country has a variety of processes in place that are designed to stop dangerous products from hitting the market, they still sneak through. Dangerous products, and the injurious incidents that come with them, come in a variety of forms. These include:

  • Products with a faulty design. As longtime Arlington product liability lawyers, we know that plenty of products hit the market that are inherently dangerous by design. If you are injured as a result of this faulty design, then you can hold accountable those that brought the product to market — from engineers to manufacturers and retailers.

  • Manufacturer defects. In other cases, the design of a product can be completely safe. But, when it comes time to manufacture the product, negligence in the process leads to dangerous defects. If manufacturer defects play a role in your accident and injuries, our team will work to hold those manufacturers accountable.

  • Failure to warn: Proper warning labels should be present to indicate to a consumer that the product is dangerous. It should also lay out the potential risks associated with using the product. Our product liability lawyers in Arlington TX will help you determine if sufficient warning was provided. Improper labeling for things like pharmaceuticals can also put consumers in harm’s way.

Dangerous or defective products can lead to anything from mild injuries to death. Our Arlington product liability lawyers want to work with you and your family to pursue financial compensation you are owed — and do it while you focus on recovery. We’re standing by to provide you with a free consultation.

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